Currently: rethinking how companies can run more efficiently and ship products more effectively.

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Docugami, 2022-Present
Document AI, Unstructured Data, Chat Interfaces, RAG, ML Pipelines, Generative AI, Semantic and Structural XML, Cloud Compute, Model Hosting

Haply Robotics, 2020-2022
Robotics, VR/AR, Force Feedback, Velocity Estimation Algorithms, Wireless Hand Tracking, 3D Printing, Fundraising, SDK and API development, Patents and Intellectual Property

General Fusion, 2019-2020
Nuclear Fusion Test Facilities, Turbulent Flow, Plasma Physics, Project Management, Quality Function Deployment, Experimental Research

What people say about me

Nikko drove it (all-hands customer postmortem project) end-to-end in an amazing way: customer bugs understanding, correct prioritization and great followup. Great work!

- Jean Paoli (CEO), Inventor of XML, Former President of Microsoft Open Technologies

Nikko is an all-around awesome PM - we are very lucky to have him!

- Taqi J. (Head of Product), Principal PM on Windows Phone

Nikko is going to be extremely difficult to replace - his creativity and unmatched rapid execution are rare even among top talent.

- Colin G. (CEO)

Education and Certifications

Bachelor of Engineering, 2020
Mechanical Engineering with a focus on product design and development, thermofluid analysis, and alternative energies
GPA: 3.96/400
Product School
Product Management Certificate, 2021
Harvard University
Full-Stack Web Development, 2023
LinkedIn: Technical Product Management (2022)
Project Management Institute: Product Management and Roadmaps (2022)
World Intellectual Property Organization: Essentials of Patents DL-170 (2022)

Writing and Projects

PUBLICATIONS1) Why you should want to use sauerkraut to heat your roomWhether we, as human beings, choose to engage with the hubbub is entirely up to us. Whether we choose to ferment cabbage to make sauerkraut is also our choice to make.Instead of zooming out and taking in a macroscale jammed with the clash of ignorant armies at night, zoom in very close. You’ll see the exquisite details that fill us all with child-like wonder and the crazy applications that are wild enough that they might just work. Zoom in even closer and revel in the delights of exploration, and walk the halls of science like an ever-growing museum. Even the most insignificant of details will call out, telling you that “I am large, I contain multitudes.” Listen to them, those cabbages in the supermarket, those tiny stars in the sky.

2) Haply 2diy: an accessible haptic platform suitable for remote learning, paper presented at ICMI 2021This work introduces the Haply 2diy, a low-cost, grounded force feedback haptic device. This device is designed to provide hands-on laboratory experience for multimodal design by including the typically elusive sense of touch. The Haply 2diy is a two-degree-of-freedom kinesthetic haptic device that allows the user to feel forces when moving in the workspace.

3) On the Logarithmic Decrement, the Kelvin-Voigt Model, and Breast PainOur story begins, as most textbook-style stories do, considering a mass m on the ground. This mass is nothing special, and were it not the protagonist of this story, this mass would probably stay stationary on the ground, left to waste away amidst the crippling loneliness of inertia...From a basic harmonic oscillator to the millions of nodes on a finite element breast, mechanics pervades every aspect of physical simulation and modelling. Principles of mechanics can be seen at work in the construction of our bodies,
heard in the thrumming of jet engines, and felt in the cool of our air-conditioned houses. Though it doesn’t always make sense at first, mechanics can shed valuable insight on problems that seem insurmountable.

Children's Books

Jack the Jet Engine, a children’s book about the mechanisms of air-breathing turbofan machinery
Baby’s First Bessel, a children’s book about the use of Bessel functions on the playground. Buy here: link

Chrome Extensions

Auto Markdown Formatter
Natural Language Input for Google Chrome


- PCT/US21/49487 Apparatus and Method for Tracking Motion and Providing Haptic Feedback
- USPTO63/203,028 A Mechanical Structure and Gimbal System to Facilitate Reconfiguration for Portability of a Robotic Device Compatible with Force-Feedback Operation
- USPTO 63/229,098 A Physical Simulation System and Method to Facilitate Training of Medical Workers
- Wrist-mounted haptic device with skin stretch and intertial feedback capabilities

Thanks for coming!